Reflecting On An Incredible Year With Wonderful Friends And Lots Of Photography

This year was simultaneously one of the greatest and most challenging years for my career. I feel like I’m in my awkward teen phase, still the youngest looking in the room but with lots of spunk and moldable talent.

Over the past year, I shot 30+ weddings, covered my first concerts with Fletcher and Conan Gray, shot Denver Fashion Week, worked with the League of Women Voters, spent way too much time in the airport, and proved to myself that I can do this! To go from begging “rich” mom’s for $35 mini sessions to a career targeting my ideal clients at a living wage, is a gift in itself. Most people don’t get to do what they love for a living and I’m just grateful I stuck with it all those years when everyone was discouraging me.

In the off season, during this time of softness, is when I’m able to appreciate the seeds I’ve sown. So I’ll remember to be grateful for some peace before I rush to the top. Thank you for being on this journey with me and making it all worth it ❤️

I want to tell more of my own stories this year. And so reflecting back on 22, reminding myself I’m not alone on this journey, but am loved by so many. This was the year I felt my most authentic self and found myself happier than ever. I came out as nonbinary, pushed my creativity, leaned into fashion, met awesome friends/colleagues, got my own place, and fell in love with a future I could finally see. I’ve rarely seen people like myself represented in success stories like the one I’m writing. But as you can see, I’m trying to change that 🤞📸

Hoping for a great off season full of meaningful projects and art, followed by a fun and rewarding wedding season. Cheers to 23!!




Louis & Brandon’s Intimate Fall Wedding at Denver Botanic Gardens


Meet The Millers: Romantic Rainy Fall Wedding | Bison Peak Lodge at Puma Hills Lake George, Colorado