Our Big Wins, Mid-Year Reflections And Manifestations

Jas K Productions is technically over a decade old. From the moment I edited a video, I branded it with my signature. A little cocky sure, but it was also because I was incredibly proud to put my name behind something I created practically out of thin air. 

I was 15 and nobody was encouraging the arts in my gentrified immigrant home. This project was mine. Nobody else put themselves in the way of embarrassment or locked themselves in their room for 5 hours after midnight because inspiration had struck. And so, the spark was lit.

Today, I’m always chasing that feeling of passion, one that drives me to defy all the odds against me, and create something that I’m proud of. About 5 years officially in, and at least 200+ projects deep, Jas K Productions is stronger than ever. And if you'd so lovingly indulge me, I’d like to celebrate some of our big wins with you. Only six months into 2024 and I couldn’t have predicted what would be in store. I believe in celebrating all our wins, big and small, so we won’t let these moments go without their time in the spotlight. Life is so fleeting. (That’s why we take photos hehe)

Loving Our Bodies

Around the holidays, my besties and I decided the perfect gifts for our partners was a shoot for us. Yes, a true win-win. At least we offered to take our tops off! 

As a queer non-binary person who has struggled with body dysmorphia, I was surprised at how much fun I ended up having during our shoot. You can read more about that here, but all you really need to know now is that it sky-rocketed my love for boudoir, intimate sessions, and healing clients through photography. 

I’m excited to start offering spicy sessions for all but especially for queer, trans, and people of color. We often are underrepresented and I want to help you reclaim your beautiful body. 

Finding Ourselves and Reclaiming Pink

If you’re a long time fan of the brand, you might have noticed a few changes to the website. Namely our new logo and the presence of hot pink. To say it was Barbie’s influence, or simply my own gender journey, would be too early to say. However, one thing is evident and that is my love for fun and all things that go against societal standards. 

I found myself at the drawing board again, evaluating how to tell my story quickly and loudly… but graciously? Ugh. 

After lots of drafts and self reflection, we ended up here. Bold, bright, and unconventional. 

Will Travel For Epic Photos

A week into 2024, we were back out with our passports on the way to the lively and lush city of Medellin, Colombia. I got to brush up on my Spanish skills, drink tons of coffee, and witness the most amazing crew become one big family. There was that spark again. As the sun set, and we took those final images, I looked out onto the horizon and wished my life to always be filled with this much joy and love. 

A few months later we were back in the lush environment of Portland, Oregon– a bucket list for photographers iykyk. I fell in love with the people, the quaint shops, the gays, coffee again, and the waterfalls. So many waterfalls! I’m going to keep chasing those. 

The team will be heading to Orlando, New York, and New Mexico by the end of the year! I couldn’t be more excited. 

Large Scale Projects and Production Assistants

Jas K Productions after a decade, is finally getting the upgrade to match the name. Not only is it me, Jas, photographing. It’s also my pals Lauren, or Jess, or Juan tagging along. Or maybe it’s Anthony the drone pro. Or if you’re lucky enough, it’s our amazing production assistant, and my life partner, Samantha. These guys have all been there with me for the past few years and I’m lucky enough to say we work amazingly as a team who share a passion for people and the arts. 

For a long time I thought I could do it all on my own. Shoutout to any of you eldest immigrant children! But now I’m learning to delegate, trust, and embrace the final product that we all collectively create. Our partnerships have opened my eyes to what we can do together to make this a full-scale production team in the future.

Intimate and Representative Stories

Anytime I feel that spark burning low, I know that’s when it’s time for a level up. One of the first things I did was read “Steal Like An Artist” by Austin Kloen, listen to Billy Porter’s Memoir, and favorite all of my top creators on Instagram. Something I started to be drawn to was the human experience. 

How did certain memories become the ones that we wrote about or kept safely, nostalgically, at the top of our minds? And how could I create those exact moments so I could capture them forever. 

That’s where actual planning (concepting) came in. No longer was I suggesting just a color palette for clients. I was location scouting specific alleyways, scouring Pinterest or stock photos, creating (failing at) AI images, thrift store hopping, and prop gathering just to get my thoughts and ideas communicated. 

The over-communication and over-preperation worked in my favor, and I’m so proud of the work we’ve been producing as of late. Almost every shoot involves some sort prop, a videographer, and prepared, happy models. Someone else might not notice every small detail, but it really is extra special when you’re in the image and notice that small trinket, location, or game that means the most to you.

Building Community and Making Friends

Every morning that I sit down at my desk, I see my vision board, where at the top it states “how the brand created community.” Swear I cut that one out of an old magazine. Anyways, it reminds me to get out from behind my desk and actually be with the people. It can be easy to pop an edible after I leave my home office and read a good book. But when I do want to be outside, I love the comfort of my (continuously growing) chosen family. 

Happy to report that we are going strong on this New Year’s resolution. We’ve made tons of new friends, even some outside of work! I even modeled for a big time hair competition! We participated in an all queer/allied wedding showcase, attended some rooftop parties, joined a queer-owned gym, and even got the invite back for DapperQ NYFW

All of these connections, learning opportunities, and pivotal moments sounded like a fairytale if you were to try and convince me years ago. I’d been told that leaning into my uniqueness would only get me so far. I’d been discouraged from taking a path that wasn’t clear. 

But, nothing worthwhile ever came easy. 

I’m so grateful for the community that has uplifted me to survive and thrive. July 1, 2024. A 27-almost 28- year old on a mission to heal and provide an inclusive, fun, and artistic experience. The universe has so much yet in store. Thank you for supporting our dream and sticking around while we grow. Together, we’ll create something worthwhile.

Love, Jas (they/them)


Weed Be Good Together: A Stoner Elopement For The Ages


Finding Healing and Self Confidence: Introducing Inclusive Boudoir